Our Foundation

Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much


In line with our mission and vision, The Stichting International Sustainable Education Foundation (ISEF) was founded in 2021 by Zarttech to combat brain drain. With this foundation, we aim to pay it forward on some of our values; humanity, partnerships, entrepreneurship, diversity and inclusion. As a result, give diverse talents access to equal and fair opportunities.

ISEF will empower communities by becoming self-sustaining. We strive to create a world where individuals and communities are included and provided the opportunity to thrive and drive transformative change


We focus our work on the areas in line with Zarttech’s mission

Global poverty & inequality

Lack of decent work opportunities

Economic growth within disadvantaged communities

How ISEF Solves the Problem

ISEF combat the problems identified by providing access to economically viable & sustainable education through our innovative programs

ISEF  Programs

How ISEF  is Funded

Zarttech donates 2% of its revenue yearly to fund ISEF.

Partner and ecosystem support.

Public donations.

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